The youtuber drives the Mini Ibishu Pigeon and survive experience

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The youtuber drives the Mini Ibishu Pigeon and survive experience

It’s always nice to see youtubers car put his craft Before life and branchas this who was driving “true” Ibishu’s column and in some way lived to tell the count. Remains to be seen if the guy suffered every duration Neurological damage by the experience and once you look at the video you understand why.

Take care of the land drones, using in the Ukraine War.

You probably saw the truly strangers of three wheels that are common in the Pacific removalBut the pigeon ibish could be the worst of all. It’s a small, instead, a body pickup in Body that tips the scale to only a few hundred pounds. Really, it’s a death trap on the wheels.

A regular pigeon is a jdm (Japanese domestic market) that has a 550cc inline-three nested motor between the two places. Plus, the front wheel turned using a belt system.

But the ibbles pigeon is half the size of a small regular to jule 85 cm high (that’s just asking 33.5 inches). Also has the motor in the back of the driver instead of between the two seats, doing Even more unstable. I am

Thank you to the lowercase size, there is only one seat. The driver is using some handle, but not beautiful as what you have on your Harley. Oh, and the body and also the internship is all made of old castrol oil barrels.

The guy who built used a Honda Gyro, a JDM of three wheels, crafting the body around mechanics. But it doesn’t have traditional wrists, just a brake of the sketchy hand. The doors have no loss, for them can fly open, and there are many things many questions about the build.

Apparently, this guy enjoys making death for other people to enjoy. It can be a genius, it could be sat, and likely it is a little bit of both of you.

Image via Muye / YouTube

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